Sunday, February 6, 2011

About my class.......

Just a note to let you know I have 14 children in my pre-k room with 2 wonderful full-time paraprofessionals.  Nine of my students have I.E.Ps. (most with developmental delays, autism and physical limitations).  I LOVE my pre-k kiddos!  I teach at Mill Creek Elementary in Madison, Alabama and I LOVE it!  We have 4 developmental pre-k classes at our school and 1 regular pre-k class.  Our school was built last year and I must say it has all the bells and whistles you could ask for.  Our wing has a multipurpose room (pre-k gym), new playground (with fence!), kitchen, washer/dryer area, computer lab and each classroom has a SMARTboard!  I am hoping to post teaching ideas as well as things we do in the classroom.  I hope to post pictures of our school and my room soon.

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